Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Revelation 8: the first two trumpets

In this article we will look at the first two trumpets in Revelation 8…but before we do let’s reflect on Daniel and the writings of first century historian Josephus to get an ideas of where we are in time…

Daniel prophesied a three and a half year period beginning around about when “the sacrifice and the oblation” ceased and ending when "the city and the sanctuary” were destroyed (Daniel 9:26&27)

God told Daniel to seal up his words till the “time of the end” (Daniel 12:9).

In Revelation 6 we see Jesus opening the seals set upon Daniel’s words because the time of the end was “at hand” (Rev. 1:3).

Many believe the book of Revelation was written around 95AD, based on the ambiguous writings of early church “father” Irenaeus.

However there is both internal and external evidence that Revelation was written “shortly” (Rev. 1:1) before the Roman-Jewish war broke out in 66AD.

In around August of 66AD Eleazar Ben Ananias, governor of the temple, persuaded those who officiated in divine service not to receive a gift or sacrifice from any foreigner. According to Josephus “this was the true beginning” of the Roman-Jewish war (Wars of the Jews 2.17.2)

In Revelation 6 and 7 we see seven seals opened. In Revelation 8 a new phase begins…the seven trumpets.

Trumpets had multiple uses in bible times but in Hosea, Joel and Jeremiah they signaled God’s coming judgement and the need to repent (Hosea 5:8, 8:1 Joel 2:1&15 Jer. 4:19&21).

The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) was the first of the final three feasts listed in Leviticus 23.

It lasted ten days and was a time or reflection, repentance and preparation for the feast of atonement (Yom Kippur). 

At this point I would like to consider what happened as the first two trumpets were blown in Revelation 8 and compare that to the creation story in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

Rev 8:7

-- The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood…and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

Genesis 1:12&13

And the earth brought forth grass… and the tree yielding fruit

Rev 8:8&9

And the second angel sounded, and…the third part of the sea became blood;

…the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

Genesis 1:21-23

And God created… every living creature

And God blessed -- them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill -- the waters in the seas

So we see a direct contrast between the creation story and Revelation 8.

Revelation 8 seems to describe a de creation process but a de creation of what? The entire earth?

Let’s spend some time reflecting on the creation story…

Where was the garden of Eden situated? Genesis 2:10-14 says that the river that watered the garden spit into four rivers, one of which still exists in the middle east. It’s called the Euphrates.

Further on in Genesis the Euphrates acted as a boundary-line for the land promised to Abraham (Gen. 15:18).

What does this tell us? Eden existed in the same area promised to Abraham.

The creation story is a picture of God in COVENANT with his people.

Genesis and Revelation perfectly book-end the bible.

Both contain COVENANTAL language.

According to the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter one, Abraham begat Isaac who begat Jacob (Israel) who begat twelve sons. These sons and their families moved to Egypt, became slaves and then were delivered by Moses into the wilderness.

They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before Joshua led them in the battle of Jericho. 

In the book of Joshua we see that Israel marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days. On the seventh day seven priests blew seven ram horns and the walls of Jericho fell (Josh. 6:2-17).

They had won their first battle in the conquest for Canaan, the “promised land” that flowed with milk and honey.

Canaan was eventually divided up between the twelve tribes with a warning that if they became like the Canaanites they would also be spewed out of the land (Josh 13-21 Josh. 23:5-13)

Joshua 23:12&13

…if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations…and shall make marriages with them…

Know for a certainty that the LORD your God will no more drive out any of -- these nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps…and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.

Lev. 18:24&25

Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

And the land is defiled…the land itself vomiteth out -- her inhabitants.

Leviticus 20:22

Ye shall therefore keep -- all my statutes, and -- all my judgments, and do -- them: that the land, whither I bring -- you to dwell therein, spew you not out.

In the Old Testament we see COVENANT inextricably linked to LAND. They go hand in hand.

By the first century, Rome had divided the “promised land” into five areas of provincial and semi-provincial status…Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Idumea and Perea.

Now let’s get into the first two trumpets of Revelation 8…

In around April of 67AD Vespasian began a brutal military campaign in Galilee, a zealot strong-hold.

What I simply want to do is compare the writings of Josephus in `the Wars of the Jews Book 3’ to the events described in Revelation 8 and you can judge for yourself wether you think they fit.

First trumpet…hail and fire mingled with blood…a third part of the trees burnt up and all the green grass

WOJ 3.4.1 (Spring 67AD)

…nor did the Romans… leave off, either by night or by day, burning the places in the plain, and…killing whatsoever appeared capable of fighting perpetually…so that Galilee was all over filled with fire and blood;…

2nd trumpet/angel…sea became blood, third part of ships destroyed

WOJ 3.9.3

…Now as these people of Joppa were floating about in this sea, in the morning there fell a violent wind upon them…and there dashed their ships one against another, and dashed some of them against the rocks...and some of the multitude that were in them were covered with waves, and so perished…But some of them thought that to die by their own swords was lighter than by the sea, and so they killed themselves…insomuch that the sea was bloody a long way, and the maritime parts were full of dead bodies, for the Romans came upon those that were carried to the shore, and destroyed them; and the number of the bodies that were thus thrown out of the sea was four thousand, and two hundred

WOJ 3.10

9…they were killed by the darts upon the lake…one might then see the lake all bloody, and full of dead bodies, for not one of them escaped…the shores they were full of shipwrecks, and of dead bodies… The number of the slain, including those that were killed in the city before, was six thousand and five hundred.

The sea being turned to blood represents the 4200 who died in the sea off Joppa and the 6500 killed near and upon lake Gennesareth (the sea of Galilee).

The “fire and blood” that filled the land and waters of Galilee was a de creation of the “promised land” thus a de creation of the COVENANT God had with his chosen flesh race Israel/Judah.

Like with the feast of trumpets, the events of 67AD were a call to repentance.

Eventually we’ll look at an extremely significant event that happened when the 7th trumpet was blown in 68AD.

Just as seven trumpets were blown by seven priests at the end of the first Exodus, the 7th trumpet marked the end of the second Exodus.

The New Covenant is not about physical land. 

Those who've "put off...the old man" through repentance "...and put on the new man...created in righteousness" (Ephesians 4:22-24) inherit a spiritual kingdom of light and life in which there is "no more curse" (Rev. 22:3). 

Thank you for taking the time read this article. Please leave me a comment and God bless as you study to show yourself approved.




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